To be completely honest. The game is alright, it has some major issues on the console. You get stuck trying to walk downstairs, or around obstacles, recently I tried backing downstairs and got stuck, I assume it was the railing, and was killed. Pop up enemies and warping enemies are present as well. Had a soldier running at me, tried to snipe him and he warped back a few feet and I missed, he killed me as well. That's my report on console playing. Oh and when you try to do challenges, like blow someone up and then hide, like most games the enemies know exactly where you are. You would think the developers would get it right after awhile. Also you try to do the challenges and some stupid issue will prevent you from completing it. Like simple jumping onto a wall, but instead you jump over the edge to your death. A better one is chain kill, you stab one and then instead of stabbing the other you pick up the one you killed. The issue's are numerous.I really like jumping off a ledge and dying because the developers think it is funny to change the damage threshold on dead eye level. The worst part is not even being able to see the distance to the enemies without getting closer to the TV, you can't see the wind marker scoped because it is white with a white background, really smart,huh. I bet you can just feel my frustration.