One of the worst movies I’ve ever seen and fortunately all the reviews addressed the same concern. Why does a passionate, free thinking investigative journalist decide to take up helping her sick father’s weapons deal when he has treated her so badly throughout her life? She covers it in a conversation with Ben Affleck in the end, but not before you’re wondering “Why did she just abandon the weapons deal if she was doing it for her father?” and “Oh okay so she’s now pursuing her passion in the very country that her investigative journalism had been, but what is it that she’s really trying to uncover?” Then her father dies while she’s away and she suddenly has compassion towards her father again!?! All this occurs with fleeting scenes of Hathaway talking with her young daughter who’s in boarding school. She speaks highly of her to her father but then in many scenes she expresses how she has very little to live for!! YOU HAVE A DAUGHTER!! In the end you don’t know what happened with the arms deal; why she took a block of cocaine and then abandoned it; you don’t know what impact her information gathering was really having on the US government throughout; why/how she finds herself in a gay hostel; why/how does Jones fit into this mess; and why she suddenly sleeps with Ben Affleck I don’t know, so for 99% of the movie you don’t know what she’s really doing back in South America while some of the characters ask her that very question!! For the last 1% the director appears to realise “F*%# I forgot about the story!!” And tries to tie everything all together to show that even after her death, Hathaway’s investigations will still see the light of day, but by that stage any momentum in the story has just been completely lost because there are genuine holes in the story line. It’s a catastrophic movie that makes you wonder how no one in the movie realised how poor the story telling is.