Looking at this has a 69-year-old woman soon to be entering my 7th decade it was so heart-wrenching. So relatable. I noticed once I turned about 65 that all of a sudden the young people around me look like they would tolerate me when I talked sometimes they roll their eyes. But that's not the worst of it. When you're in your 20s and your 30s you're thinking about life today and getting through it. But when you reach my age you realize that every day is not a given. And yet because at this point you know one's life is finite how much do you put up there? Do you want to invest in a new relationship? What if you or they might die in the next 5 years? As a woman will I meet someone and end up being there free caretaker for years? Watching this movie makes me remember how creative I was. How so many things I accomplished in my twenties and thirties. And then Society pushes you aside and you feel like there are no dreams left to conquer, no more risks to take.
What this movie show me and I hope the rest of the world is that it doesn't matter what you look like. In truth, age is just a number. I am no different than my 60s that I was in my thirties. The only difference is that in your 30s you think you're going to live forever. And in your 60s you know better. This movie reminded me that life does not end when you become a senior or when you have reached a certain age. Life only ends when your physical body says so. So please try to have friends of all ages and if you are fortunate enough to meet someone that is your mother's age or your grandmother's age. Don't put that number on them everyone has stories. Everyone has had things that happened in their lives that they can impart to you. I always say if I knew in my 30s what I know now, God what a great life I would have had. So as a senior seize the day and as a younger part of the population take time to befriend these people. Everyone has had a remarkable life in some way or form. Learn from it, learn from them and enjoy.