I don't know that this necessarily teaches anyone to do anything, but it has been fun to run my RPG Club at my high school through this. They've enjoyed it. I've added so much more with the help of reviewers on YouTube and posts. The game needs subplots beyond the Evil Priest of Chaos trying to spread, well chaos. Plus chaos and evil aren't the same things in 5e so there's that. So far, based on suggestions from other players, I've altered a few things. I keep this module in Mystara. The chapel in Castellan Keep (in the Altan Tepes, on the border of the known world) is part of the Church of Karameikos. Inside the chapel are statues of minor and major deities. The Evil Priest and the Chaos Priest all serve Thanatos, god of entropy. True Chaos. The goal of this cult is entropy, chaos, death and corruption of this peaceful area, ultimately taking over the keep and building a fortress of doom.Black sythes line the walls in the Chaos Temple in the caves. I took this idea straight from Bill of RollStats off YouTube: The keep has been free of raiders for years. It’s a new development. The shrine is the source of that trouble. This massive habitation of the caves of chaos is also related to the temple. The humanoids in the surrounding caves are gathered here at the direction of the priests themselves, as a means of extending control over the surrounding area. Agents of the temple have infiltrated within the ranks of the keep (merchants and militia). The raids, disguised to look like upstart bandits, are a means to fund expeditions for clues to the location of two artifacts, a gem, the harvester of souls, rumored to wound even the gods, and the Death Scythe, Thanatos’ scythe, said to heal the wielder with each strike. This plot is the reason so many different species are gathered in the caves, although sectioned off. I thought that Bill's idea added rationale to why these disparate groups of humanoids were so close together. From another source I took: The Kobolds and minotaur lived in their respective caves long before the cult summoned the other humanoids to inhabit the area as part of an army (orcs, hobgoblins, goblins). I'm adding more undead than skeletons and zombies *yawn*. Then I added: This entire cave system had previous tenets, the spirits of whom are no longer at rest due to the new invasion. Thanks to one of the two above sources I also added: There are others who are sympathetic to the cult outside of the chaos priest in the keep. I chose one wealthy family in the larger of the apartments, a stable lackey, the bailiff, the captain of the watch in #12, the scribe in the central tower #26. Outside of the keep the mad hermit (area 4) was a priest of Thanatos who went mad. His wild ramblings may drop clues about the caves and more (DM choice). Learning the Karameikos pantheon and making these additions took a lot more prep than I had expected but I'm taking former 1e and 2e players new to 5e through this. To help me, I chose to buy a conversion of DMsGuild. The conversion moved the setting to the Forgotten Realms which I didn't like. Mystara is cool as hell and I'm catching up on old lore. It will take doing what I did to make this worth playing. It's a small sandbox with a decent basis to get you going. Just look at what people have been doing with it over the past few years and borrow what works like I did.