One of the best movies I've watched in years.
The storyline in the movie was clear and easy to understand while also having moments that aren't fully explained during the movie. There is minimal dialogue in this movie yet Casey Affleck portrays his character so well, you don't need to hear him or see him to know how he is feeling. The note at the end added a sense of mystery and a craving for knowledge at the end of the film. What was written on the note was not needed for the story to make sense. While I agree there did not need to be a five-minute scene of him watching his wife eat a pie, it adds a solemn mood to the film and really expresses both of their emotions - the length of the scene wasn't necessary but the scene itself was. The emotion in this film was so strong, I was balling my eyes out for half of it - make sure you have a tissue box nearby at all times.
This film portrays loss and love terrificaly. I would recommend this movie for anyone who needs a good cry and people who understand 'indie' films because this isn't your average sitcom and it requires understanding and patience to get the full experience whilst watching. 10/10!