This is the culmination of 20 YEARS of cinematic Spider-Man storytelling.
Don't want to give you any spoilers, but unlike the first two TomH SM movies, this one is not trying to be charming. It is very dark and dramatic, and they really make the characters suffer, without losing sight of it's upbeat SM comedy feeling...
As a bias fan of every Spider-Man movie that came before this one, I can confidently say that this is my #1 favourite Marvel movie.
I was actually worried that they would use the side characters that they bought back just for fan service and nostalgia, but they didn't. They utilised them in the best way possible as actual supporting characters, while doing justice to the previous trilogies of Spider-Man.
Also, Tom Holland blew my mind🤯🤯 with his outstanding preformance.
BTW, the fighting in this movie is like I've never seen in a Marvel movie. At certain points, I would call it extremely VIOLENT, and it shows a side of Peter Parker that we've never seen before.
It's so thrilling.
This may sound weird, but I wouldn't call this a Spider-Man movie, this is Peter Parker movie.
This movie is solely about Peter Parkers journey of learning that being a hero means being willing to sacrifice anything to save other people. On the way, the people you love always get hurt, but PERSEVERANCE (in this case through grief) is Peter's best quality.
He learns that not everyone has a happy ending, and that makes him want to live a regular life without being a superhero but "With great power, comes great responsibility".