"Killing Lazarus" is a fantastic book! Ryan Bruss beautifully tells how your walk with God can transform ordinary moments into a lifestyle of freedom from the stress of things that weigh you down. We live in a society where walking a life of faith is challenged daily, through spiritual warfare, anxiety, and hopelessness. This book is a clear reminder of the positive and realistic things that you can do to implement God's Word, follow the Holy Spirit, and achieve a supernatural way of life. His principles outlined, model the heartfelt message of the Good News for all believers to walk in, no matter who you are, or your back story. While reading this book, I have cried, been challenged, and encouraged all at the same time. It is about going back to the simple truths of living a life of devotion to God, come forth, and be revived to face tomorrow. "Killing Lazarus" is one of the best reads I have experienced in a while.