I watched the first hour or so and fell asleep. I woke up and wanted to finish. I tried to watch but it was so slow, I ended up double tapping (fast forwarding) through the restof the movie. It took me ten or fifteen minutes to finish and I don't think I missed anything. I really just didn't want to miss any Ana de Armas scenes. She's the only reason I watched in the first place. Some of the CGI seemed cool. But after watching SNL papyrus I couldn't quite take Gossling seriously. He's kind of a girly man to me, so it's weird to see him play a tough guy cop. After Barbie, La la land and Notebook, how could you? I'm not a huge sci Fi guy so of course this was boring for me. I'm sure some will find it interesting. But overall really slow, long and boring. I don't even know if it was worth watching for Armas, although she looked phenomenal throughout. Yeah I'd give it a solid one star. I don't you think you could pay me to watch it again.