Okay, so I know that this a reality show and you have to act a little out of your character to stay relevant but there needs to be moral line drawn somewhere. Ladies, I know you are going through issues but coming from a psychologist point of view - that explains your behavior but it doesn't excuse it. You all are wrong and it's interesting to watch (just because I like to watch human behavior) because you guys think that the other person is wrong even though you are doing what they are doing just a little less - as you guys put it. You guys all have an issue with accepting when you're wrong. All of you do. Instead of owning it, you are coming up with why what you did wasn't wrong. We clearly see the real you and it's ugly. You guys are all disgrace to television, women and black women. Instead of being a positive influencer, you are showing these youngs girls everything you shouldn't do. None of you are different than the other so I don't know why you arguing... It's like you arguing about who's less evil LIKE it really matters. A million good deeds do not make up for 1 wrong deed. Wrong is wrong and that's what you guys like to do - ya I acted rachet but she was 2% more rachet than me. It doesn't matter. If you are wrong, you are wrong. I have a daughter and none of you guys would be women I think she should look up too. DEFINITELY NOT. Just because you have fans does not indicate you are right. People just like to watch stupidity on tv. Stupidity sells and thats exactly why you guys are still around. I'm not sure what you guys want to be known for but I can tell you it's definitely not what you're thinking. Like do you honestly think you guys are setting a good example or setting a high moral stance? Is fighting constantly a good message to you? None of you are effective at communication and you can't say you don't care because people who don't care don't have an attitude. You guys all need mental health services and somehow I think you guys know that.