the game is a slap in the face to everyone that loved the first game do not buy this game and save your money the truth and contacts of this game is much worse than the leaks before I get into one of the worst stories ever the gameplay is very average there a minor improvements from the first game and enemy AI is dumb as ever the armour cutscenes and walking than actual gameplay spoiler alert they destroyed all of your favourite characters they dumbed down girls character on purpose to make him weak and stupid in the first game he was very smart and had a ton of experience he didn't even trust a guy that was sick on the road you choose to run him over later we found out that that stranger on the road does not sick and it was all a setup they do everything to make you dislike Joel and continue to spit on him they have a trans female male shoot him in the leg and torture him with a golf club right in the first two hours of the game they made alien like a ball and a selfie human being she kills everyone and son continues to blame jail for serving Ham she cared so much in serving humanity because she has immunity but instead she became a lesbian and chose not to reproduce let that sink in I can't go on I'm so pissed