The film "Badhai Do" came as a very bold, admirable move by the directors who come very clear on recognizing the gay and lesbian relationships with which certain persons are born, like heterosexual couples there can be homosexuals. It's time people accept; but more important is for the gay couples to accept its normalcy. Both protagonists are ashamed to announce to their families because they are taboo topics, they are scared to get socially ostracized therefore like conventional partners they marry and try to love like " normal"
sexual partners, only to realize they cannot deceive others and can certainly not deceive themselves. The last closing scene sends the message most strongly.
Rajkumar Rao, and Bhumi Phednekar seem perfectly suited to their roles and personalities. Sheeba Chadha as Rao's mother looks convincing as a sleepy person but she readily accepts the fact gradually but surely. Other gay characters too have acted well. One may argue for better script or better direction but what makes the film relevant is its subject that gets a refreshing treatment. Love is not for compromises, it only needs acceptance.