Wasn’t as good as people say.
As much as I didn’t like the game it still did some good things; some of the scenery is nice, having a diamond currency system, taking medicine for malaria, the gun selection, guns jamming and exploding if they’re used too much, bus stations to fast travel, and your buddies saving you if you go down. Other than that there wasn’t much else good about the game.
I understand that you have malaria but you can only run about fifty feet before the screen gets blurry and the main character acts like he’s about to pass out, so if you’re stuck without a vehicle somewhere it’s going to be a while to run anywhere.
The story line started out straight forward you’re supposed to hunt down the jackal, but apparently that all goes out the window when you get to the second part of the map and end up working with him. It was hard to follow along since every single person in the game talks like a robot at a hundred miles per hour.
Gun selection in the game was very good, I liked having a lot of options for things to carry but what the game said you can carry for each of those slots is ridiculous. A shotgun, sniper rifle, or assault rifle can only be a primary. So by using a sniper rifle as a primary the remaining gun options aren’t that great. Some guns don’t feel that balanced: enemy shotguns seem to have a better range than your own, SMG’s take almost an entire magazine to take down one enemy, recoil on LMG’s are hard to control, mounted guns and grenade launchers over heat way too quickly and completely obscure your front sight.
As well as the reloads, assault rifles, SMG’s, and snipers waste time but using the charging handle to load the weapon even when it isn’t completely empty leaving you open to be hit and your reload interrupted and canceled.
The enemies in game are a little glitchy, you have about a 50/50 chance on the person in a vehicle exiting and spawning on top of said vehicle.
The enemies themselves become more of a nuisance the more I played. They respawn even after you take out outposts basically making you stop every half mile to fight everywhere you go.
I had heard so many great things about this game for a while, read some reviews and finally got to play it. I really did want to like this game after seeing lots of people talk so good about it. By the end I was unimpressed this game gets more hype than it should. I do like that far cry 2 did something others hadn’t, and it does have good parts to it that I really enjoyed, but between the guns, enemies, and story playing the game felt like a chore.