This show was by far the best Black Gurl magic I’ve seen in a while 🤩. It was our youthful adult years over the rocks on the perfect girls night you never wanted to end . I screamed, laughed , embraced my self and cried a little … very relatable and a sense of perfection for our real moments . You gave me hope … you gave fun times , you gave me embarrassing moments , support when we’re wrong and right , you gave me phenomenal energy , a pass to be imperfect and heal with the helping of my squad and therapist.With this art filled show you confirmed that we are wonderful Queens that can bounce back from anything ; start off unbalanced in our days and end up excited to live another.
Please come back for a 2nd , 3rd , 4th &5 th and on….season. You focused on us Black Queens in this show and didn’t hesitate for one moment to do it time and time again through each episode.
This day in time we have too many different focuses on 1 show and we stray away from the story line of a Black Queen … to not offend others because that’s who the world is in 2021 . We Black Gurls matter and shouldn’t have to be the shadow of any set of people to have our moment .
I see you , I appreciate your show and I thank you all for delivering these stories of each Black Queen so effortlessly. Keep being you , Keep being great , Keep showing us we still matter and our lives too .