It's a fun time with two great female heroines. This movie takes two average women with polar opposite personalities and follows them on their journey through friendship & conflict ultimately realizing lifelong goals. You will enjoy this film if you approach it for fun and laughs with a feel good message, without the need analyze, overthink or take it too seriously. This is especially true since the lead ladies look like average, vibrant, sexy, everyday, REAL LIFE women and not impossible to achieve, stereotypical, giant boobed, tiny waisted comic book heriones. As a bonus, there's a great group of familiar faces in the supporting cast. ( I love the work of both these women although, IMHO, I wish Melissa McCarthy's character here and in other films could be fun & goofy without being portrayed so slovenly. ) The storyline leaves an opening for another installment - I am looking forward to seeing more adventures of Thunder Force!