It has been a popular pass-time for professional haters and YouTubers desperate for extra views, to relentlessly bash this game for months on end.
Don't listen to them.
Most of those folks jumped on the hate bandwagon without even playing FO76.
I actually played the game for a full month and feel that i got my money's worth, i also did not encounter most of the bugs, glitches, crashes and disconnects people seem so fond to cry about.
Even to this day i sometimes boot up the game and wander around in Appalachia for a few hours. It helps that Bethesda has never given up on FO76 and steadily supplies us with new content and patches. We've come a long way since launch day.
That doesn't mean that the game is flawless, as Bethesda's decision to leave out npc's is one that i will never comprehend.
My advice? Wait until Bethesda releases the Wastelanders DLC which will add those much needed npc's and finally make FO76 the game it was meant to be.