I've read every book by Robert Jordan and the last few that Sanderson finished and they are in my top 3 favorite of all time. The TV series has finally started to get good and now we have to wait until probably 2025 for the next season. It doesn't exactly follow the books so far but they are doing the books justice so far, a TV series can't follow these books exactly, there's probably a hundred thousand pages of text so some adaptation had to happen. The biggest difference to what I pictured is how Egwene looks, I always pictured her different but this actress is starting to do her character justice. I can't wait until next season when Rand finally learns how to channel properly and lead the Aiel and fight everyone else that comes along. And in the last episode they just showed Moghedien the spider, if you've read the books you'll know about her. I've waited almost 2 decades for a network to make this show and Sony/Amazon is doing Jordan justice. Long Live the Dragon Reborn 🐉