I'm autistic, it's very hard for me to be taken out of a familer aspect. The newer expansions seem to get some sick pleasure in causing pain and mental stress. I don't have a good way of coping with it, it's a MENTAL DISABILITY!!! Yet here I am forced to play characters with classes I have no familiarity with just to get through the compain!
I play this game to have a safe place to get away from the world. Everything else in this game is fine, but forcing me to play unfamiliar characters is the problem. That is it, ITS ONLY THAT! Autistics need stability, but this game for what ever reason thinks it "fun" to to mess with that. No other game that I've played has done this, and it's just not ok. At least have an option to skip anything that is played with a character other then your own, if there are people out there who enjoy it then go for it, anyone else can skip over it.
I otherwise love this game, yeah I have some personal grudges here and there, but nothing any other game doesn't have. So long as there is structure and balance I can get through just about anything. I'm not asking Square Enix to take these out of the game, I don't even care if they keep adding them in, just make them skipable.