This was the most aggressively awful movie I have ever experienced. Lazy story telling, sloppy editing and cheesy dialogue abound. As a viewer, I feel insulted because it’s clear this film was approved for release by someone who believed audiences would be unaware of the egregious short cuts taken during all aspects of production. However, it doesn’t require an expert eye to notice hairstyles that seem to magically change between frames, and plot changing dialogue delivered by a speaker not shown on camera because it was edited in as a last minute voiceover. These issues seem shockingly minor in comparison to the apparent utter lack of thought that went into the overall narrative. This film is a horrific waste of a story universe that could have been rich with nuance and color, but instead delivered a vapid incongruous series of events that were totally lacking in depth. I can only pray that the upcoming Spider Man movie won’t be marred by this abomination.