Looks like many here liked it. I found it all but unwatchable. It had so much potential, with a fantastic cast, interesting premise. But just as with the way the characters pursued the case, it just seemed like nobody cared.
The plot- Pregnant 12-year old daughter of a small town drug kingpin goes missing. Fantastic premise. Except for nobody seemed all that worried about it. I have never seen such a lack of urgency in finding a missing child. We see one sequence of police searching an area and after that, jack squat. Literally. Nothing. Oh, we see this guy we're 100% certain is helping her paddling out to the other side of the lake at odd times carrying supplies? Huh. Well, nothing to be done I suppose. Oh, was she seen in this part of the woods? It's cold. We should wait. Seriously. They just wouldn't go. There's supposedly this poor young girl our there starving, freezing, confused and scared. And our characters usually couldn't seem less concerned about it. Oh, except for the brooding starting at her picture taped to a wall. Deep.
The writing- It's absurd. Absolutely absurd. Moss's character rekindles an old relationship and sure, they're passionate. That's great. So they follow this boat across the lake. They see a guy hiding nearby and he runs. They give chase but lose him in about 30 yards. Should we keep pursuing since he's probably still close because, you know, he can't fly? No. Let's have sex. Totally naked. Right here in the woods. Literally where they just were chasing some dude. Ordinarily I'd blame the characters for stuff like this. But this is beyond that. I blame the writers.
Even the editing is weird- Picture this: The Kingpin has said he wants to confess something. So our protagonist is urgently in the cop car getting wired up. Recording devices ready. Talking strategy. One cop says, "OK, this will give you 4 hours of battery life." She says, "Got it." Roll credits. Literally just that abrupt. The whole show is like that. It's like it was edited by a high school film class.
I tried to watch this show as another series to bond with my wife over, but good god, I just can't. It's just awful.