An S tier anime with detailed story no plot holes no missed points. I love it
I was hesitant on watching this due to the genre "drama" but amazing, the drama was thoroughly planned not like something that's pushed or pressured in the story. They say the ending was but but it was pretty Okay. Everything in the story has a reason, it was explained in detail you can't find any holes everything happened because of a reason and there's no such thing as empty flashbacks, like flashbacks of people who were only part of the story in one scene and died in another, none at all, every character are there for a reason no fill in characters or stories. I watched it about 3 months ago and there still no such story that would actually beat this one. 5 star for me. There are 1 star and 4 stars for others you ask? That's because they wanted more! I'll be honest too i wanted more too but i figured it would just ruin that story so NO THANK YOU!! Watch it with a heart prepared for a soothing song in a form of a story.