I am very disappointed with your attacked on Mary Ann Williamson. If the Democratic run Joe Biden they will lose again! There are those of us who know the inequitable system we have now, will not change without new blood. If you had not been so eager to silence her platform and attack her, different than your's ideas, it would have been a much better show. Now, I will have to look her up to know more. If she had said she was in favor of Medical Freedom, she would have every Republican parent of a vaccine in injured or dead child's vote, including mine, as a Democrat. Medical Freedom is the most important issue to me and many other's today, get with the program! the Democratic's are on the WRONG SIDE of this issue! It is obvious that none of you know anything about the dangers of vaccines and until you have researched them you should just shut the hell up! I have lost all respect for Whoopi and Joy, at this point, both of you who have had 2 or three vaccines in your lifetime, advocating for babies, who now are given 72 vaccine doses, before the age of 2 years! And Megaan, FYI, the cause of death in children in the US, of 5 years old and under, is cancer and heart disease! Because babies within hours of birth are being injected with toxic chemicals and carcinogens, the first vaccines is for Hepatitis B, this is a deserve that prostitute and intervienious drug users get!!? if. Why is an infant receiveing it? Why, because they csn, because stupid people like you telling them too! Big Pharm a makes billions killing and injecting our children and you you are helping them. You better take the responsibility of your influence seriously and get educated about vaccines. .#Wedid