It is essentially super bad for 2019 kids. At times the shots are too short and it feels like they missed out on a few good jokes but they did manage to get quite a few right after a missed opportunity. A warning to people like myself, it gets a little too "2019" in the political correctness at times. It doesn't ruin the movie but it does show that this is geared more for this new generation. The main kids are better actors than kids their age normally are, the work pretty well with the script they were given most of the biggest gripe is there are times when you know there are terms and items that these kids would certainly be aware of having the Internet in their pocket at all times, But USUALLY it's for an upcoming joke. All in all if you turn off your brain you can have a good time. It's no masterpiece and won't clog up your blu-ray library but it's worth a look especially when it comes out on streaming services.
Grade C+ netflix it