I was told this movie would be comparable to 'Interstellar,' in terms of movie quality, and boy was I let down. To put those two films in the same category is irresponsible. Most all of the issues I had with this movie could've been solved by adding about 2 hours throughout the film. What I mean is that there was far too much randomness thrown in without any context, and so many sub-plots that we have no insight to. The movie is a series of introducing potentially complex issues just long enough to grow curious of them, and then they're never mentioned again. That paired with the emotion (or lack thereof) from Brad Pitt made this movie a one time watch, quickly to be forgotten. I personally would not spend my own money to watch this film. All that said, I did appreciate the audio quality.
(Maybe the trick is to not watch the film with any expectations, as i did, but oh well!)