Swades, One of the great, inspiring movies for all indians to watch irrespective of caste , greed.
I dont know whether the condition is changed. This is one of the most concerning problem untouchability, caste divide.
there is new set problems arising in modern digital india for eg:
1. Poor people saves the money in bank, it gets removed for not maintaining minimum balance
2. Children from down ridden family somehow studies and scores marks in +2 with 98% marks but still exams like NEET prevent them to realise thier dreams
3. Farmers gets loan from bank and unable to pay due to inconsistent pricing , cost of fertilizers. He is property is seized but on another end, corporate loans are waived by government
4. Daughters from particular religion comes to schools, after crossing many barriers, but still they are stopped citing reasons of religious intolreance and push the entire society back
5. Rather than pushing a common man to gates of education, self development,paths of opportunities, nation is getting divided because of one language, one food habbits, etc.,
6. All national assets are sold to private eg railways, spectrum, airlines, road contracts, energy, i dont think so common man cannot be able to afford all the necessary things in near future
Seeing Swades, i always remember it will take another freedom struggle in modern india to overcome all the above said problems