Why has infinity ward taken this approach with the new Call Of Duty? Why is it that most maps are so overdone and not well thought out at all? This game hardly takes skill and punishes people who are usually good at similar FPS games. A complete noob can sit in a building, literally 100% safe with a claymore and a shotgun and get kills. Why is it that there's corridors that lead to no-where and hidey holes that completely conceal you in most cases? There's too many damn angles to be aware of. This is not the way forward and this game will die very soon if Infinity Ward wants to purposely appeal to people that have a camping play style. Honestly I'm having more fun on the smaller 2v2 maps. That's saying something when it's not even the core gamemodes.
It's like they want people to only use shotguns and claymores in the current state of the game. Don't you see anything wrong with ONE kind of setup being the best? Surely balance is the best thing where every play style works, not just one.