Let's start by saying this is NOT a battlefield game! It's some sort of weird hybrid that takes elements from all sorts of cash-grabbing games and executes them unbelievably poorly.
I enjoyed the game initially despite its flaws, however, this was short-lived and after about a day and a half, I realised just how much I despise this game. No matter how many bugs they fix, this Frankenstein of a game would have to be completely remade in order for it to be a true Battlefield experience.
-The voice acting is tragic and embarrassing.
-The maps are absolute tosh.
-The world has supposed to be war-torn, yet there's no sign of destruction, built-in positions (sandbags, trenches, fortified firing positions) and all the buildings/environments are business as usual????
-No battlefield class system.
-Game is already dead.
-Hazard zone is literally a pointless game mode made up because they realised the game has hardly any content.
-Portal is dead because there's no XP to gain
-Game is riddled with bugs and is beyond broken
Just don't do it, go play Hell Let Loose or an older battlefield game.