Sunny is a poignant tale of a man struggling with his inner woes at a stage in his life where the line separating hope and hopelessness is hairline.
An experimental and bold take on a socially relevant subject, the one-man army played by Jayasuriya breathes life into the 'lifeless' character with his subtle gestures and emotions that communicate with the viewers sans dialogues.
The direction is top notch and inclusions of props like the bath tub and plant to depict hopelessness and hope was a clever and subtle way to communicate the feelings of the protagonist at a deeper level.
BGM, music and camera work elevates the mood. Characters who appear through their voices leave a lasting impression on the narrative.
Yes, the movie is slow paced but that doesn't detract the viewers from being life Sunny's life and prods us to look beyond the character without judgements.
Verdict : Worth a watch!👌