I like the plot the line all but I hate how it was put together. Currently I’m on episode 21 of the first season and the protagonist Emma has made no progress. Also, the fairy tale part of the show is in reverse chronological order. That’s right, the put together a story and told it from end to start. At the begging of the show the evil queen is casting a curse on Snow White and Prince Charming as they have their baby. At the ending part of the season we see the evil queen before she even met the king. And besides a few really cool transitions, the cinematography was not the best. And I also don’t like how this show wasn’t based off Disney and you could say it was their own thing for the first season. But by season four, we have Elsa. Not the original fairytale of the ice queen but a trademarked Disney princess named Elsa. Finally I hate how they used bad green screens and CGI instead of actually put some effort into set design. Over all, something about this show just feels right with me.