Okay where do I start? Honestly Saber is not a good show. It felt like sentai at first (in a bad way) but it’s understandable considering this was during the hard hit moments of the pandemic. The only reason I watched Saber was because of the theme song (which is probably one of the best themes in a long time). Watching it was not easy & it felt like a bad job but again hearing the theme was enough for me to make it through. The biggest flaw in the show are obviously the characters. What they tried to do with them didn’t make much sense & was completely unnecessary at times. Honestly it was more about toys throughout the series. But I had fun so if you’re okay with watching a whole series that pays off in the end then I guess give it a shot & if not then this is a pass. I’ll still agree it’s a mess but don’t think I didn’t cry at the finale when the song played one final time 😂