Binge watched it!!!! This is one of the best k dramas. Awesome acting, great storyline, portrayal of contrasting values, and the triumph of people oriented mind in the end was an absolute treat to watch.
The issues this drama caters so beautifully are:
2. Flawed Value System and how parents have the power to make or break their child's future.
3. Trangender Rights ( the pride hyumi takes being a transgender and the strength is just phenomenal)
Overall, this kdrama is a must watch. I could not spot a single loophole, drag, or unnecessary stretch.
Lastly, lets talk about the first kiss scene between soo ah and seroyi, interrupted by yi seo, stating the Criminal Law Article 32 Kiss without consent of the other party, was monumental and hilarious simutaneously. Kudos to the creative minds who have created such a masterpiece. It feels refreshing to see something beautiful and different in a long time.