Unfortunately, it seems Mike Flanagan just can't get it together! The only reason I gave this a chance is because while The Haunting of Hill house provided a HUGE let down in the last episode, the ones leading up to it were creepy and, engaging but lacked a complete story when it was all said. Bly Manor while a complete story was devoid of anything sinister. In hoping that this third installment would achieve both a good horror series and, a compelling, complete story was ambitious but, possible give the Flanagan's other two shows had potential even though they missed their mark. Midnight Mass, like the other two have some GREAT actors, others are just flat and, pointless. This show has long winded monologues, combined with a threads a a story that do not make any sense and, it not scary, creepy, or thought provoking in any way. It's frankly pretty boring. If this series is paying homage to Stephen King, it's doing so for one his unpopular stories that no one really liked. What I wanted was a disturbing, chilling story and, what I got was a dull, religious drama bent on one-sided debate in which everyone has a soapbox, but is totally clueless even though the town is the size of a walnut. I'm not sure what Flanagan was going for but, this time he totally missed it. The only reason I gave it two stars is because some of the actors (the priest) are good, even though what they have to work with is not good.