I personally for the most part did thoroughly enjoy this game. However, this is not a 5 star game or a masterpiece unfortunately, but it is still a really good game. The graphics and gameplay are next level. The story though isn’t perfect and can be quite confusing at times. Characters make decisions they wouldn’t normally make, but at the same time are put in desperate situations to sometimes cause them to act out of character. Also, it’s very unique how Naughty Dog humanized all the characters in the game. They all have different expressions, react different, even have random mood swings at different times. I’ll give you an example, Abby one of the characters in the game will become frightened when you look down at high elevations because she’s afraid of heights. Or when Ellie is alone she will freak out because she has a fear of being alone. I won’t go into details because of spoilers. Even though the story had some rough patches here and there it still for the most part was pretty good. A lot of these 1 Star reviews are people that are either trolling or people who only watched the leaks and that’s it. Most of these people haven’t finish the game let alone beaten it to have an honest review. Naughty Dog should not have titled this game a revenge story because it’s much more about forgiveness. I’m definitely not going into details there because of spoilers as well. I want y’all to play this game in its entirety to really be able to judge it. If you finish it and decide you don’t like it that’s fine, but at least give it a chance. I can promise you this game is much more than a 1 Star. Now to come to my final analysis. This game for me is really good but it’s not great. It’s not Last of Us 1 and if you go into this game thinking it plays like it. You will be disappointed. Last of Us was a masterpiece and revered as one of the best games of all time, so having to try to do better than the first game is a monumental obstacle by itself. I repeat go into this game with an open mind and you will have fun, but don’t go into this game expecting what you want because like I said you will be disappointed. Things happen in this game you just can’t control and i promise you it will you make you sad because this is not a heart warming story. It’s extremely violent and upsetting. It will have you holding on to the edge of your seat. My score for this game is a 9/10 and I still highly recommend it.