It's a truly great game for its age I prefer this than any of the other shooter games I've played,it's also great that you control your different squads throughout the game you'll have an assault , base of fire, MG and bazooka teams the game is wholly based in Nazi occupied Holland, if you can master the manoeuvres of your teams you can complete levels with barely using any of your own ammo, I love how you can have your guys providing cover fire while you flank the enemy its really enjoyable and a game that you can play again and again, I found the storyline and plot to be interesting having played the Road to hill 30 game on the ps2 I understood the context in the story and its development,, you can play in 3 different modes, casual, veteran and authentic the latter being very tough due to having no visual aim for your weapons, all in all I'd definetly recommend it especially if shooting Nazis sounds like fun and this game is really fun.