This is a really, really, unbelievably, bad movie.
I only watched half of this movie because my best friend asked me to, and she loved the series, yet even SHE thinks this movie is really bad.
Top 10 reasons why you should not invest 2 hours of your life watching this (in no specific order):
1) Has Elle always been this dumb? Is her hobby making bad decisions or something? Because, my god, she really excels at it.
2) The boys couldn't have picked at LEAST a better looking girl to fawn over? Why does it have to be Elle, do tell me, what makes her so great?
3) All the boys who treat Elle like their queen literally needs to get their eyes checked, and their brains examined, because, literally: why.
4) It's so fun hanging out with Marco in front of Noah haha lol
5) The whole movie just SCREAMS white and privileged. Literally what kind of gourmet restaurant lets a whole class of kids dance on their tables when pristine guests are over.
6) The concept of school here is ungodly unrealistic. How could they let Elle, the IDIOT Elle, get into both Harvard and Berkeley AND another good uni, even at the last week before school???
7) After she makes up with Noah she decided it was a good idea to sleep with him again at the drop of a hat! She sells her body so cheap. I love women, but I absolutely CANNOT defend you like this.
8) The plot is really boring, tasteless and cliched. If this movie was a food it'd me cat poop on moss and Gordon Ramsay would shake and cry.
9) The characters literally have little to no personality. Lee is unrealistically kind, Elle tries too hard to be the "relatable character" when literally the chances for someone to have 3 guys chasing after them like ducklings at once is like 1 in a billion, and Marco and Noah literally have NO taste, and are, to be frank, blind while making that choice.
10) There's too much drama. It really blows away absolutely any of the character development, and if i said that this movie is cat poop on moss, now it's cat poop on moss that's drenched in rainwater, because that would get the dish ALL OVER THE PLACE! Which is exactly what this movie is.
In conclusion, this movie is every synonym of "the worst thing I've ever seen" and your life will be better off never having heard of it at all. Period.