'Church, not Chocolate'
A beautiful book, rich with chocolate, a book which gives chocolate it's true merit. Vianne Rocher is new to town. She has opened a chocolate shop which means now there are temptations, a place to confide in. Unused to such temptations, the people of Lansquenet flock the shop. But Father Reynaud visualizes Vianne to be a danger, someone who is trying to take away his flock and turn them against the church. It's Lent, the time of self denial, and the people of Lansquenet are gorging on Vianne's chocolates.
The Easter Chocolate festival needs to be stopped. Reynaud will try his best to stop Vianne from hosting this. How could people have a thought of chocolate on such a holy festival! Will Reynaud win this war? Will 'Church, Not chocolate' campaign stop the chocolate festival? Or will Vianne, with the exotic flavor of cocoa and the skill of chocolate making, be able to stand against Reynaud?
A book wonderfully narrated, with a tinge of supernatural, and a wonderful aroma of chocolate! Joanne Harris has created a wonderful page-turner!