Some spoilers here. There's a lot of talk about the destruction in the final act with tons of complaints at the idea that Superman should have done more to neutralize it (leading the fight away from the city, avoiding damaging buildings, etc.) without taking into account the context of the story. This is essentially Superman's first day on the job and he has to fight someone that has been trained as a warrior their entire life. He is not in control. He is trying and failing, but he doesn't give up. And he carries on with what feels like an unwinnable battle precisely because he is trying to end the fight and destruction. Outside of one moment at a construction site, all of the damage is caused by Superman's combatant. You can't blame the character for the (admittedly) catastrophic events that unfold in act 3. Beyond story (which is an incredible take on a Superman origin), the cast is stacked with incredible performances and the effects are mostly incredible. Act 3 does have some rubbery CGI characters but at that point you should be so engrossed in the story that it won't matter. It's up there as one of my favorite superhero movies and hands down my favorite Superman story. The world needs a proper CAVILL-LED Man Of Steel sequel.