Absolutely fabulous series. I too binge watched all episodes in one go.
I had never read the books, so had no pre conceived expectations.
But have worked in the field of cross cultural, racec and diversity.
Yes it will stir emotional reactions of people from both sides. But what a fabulous way to learn what it feels like to be dehumanised, devalued in society where, descrumination, corruption, power and control, prejudice thrives.
It made me reflect on the powerful lesson Jane Elliott delivered in 'a class divided' in USA back in 1968.
The main characters portrayed their emotional turmoil so well creating an opportunity for the viewer to relate and understand at all levels with gut renching , heart and soul shaking, reality. The set design, costumes attention to detail was so innovative. Congratulations to all those who made it this happen and to the author for the original storyline.