A lot of the reviews I have read seemed to have dismissed See as another action adventure. Perhaps the overdose that was GOT jaded the critics enough to ignore the subtext implied in this 8 parter. I love the atmosphere of this epic series. Played out on the canvas that is the vastness of the Canadian landscape in particular reminds me of another grand scale production that is the Revenant. I find myself pondering whether the Caligula-esque Queen's firmly held belief that vision is an anachronism that affords the few that have it too much power could be just what God had in mind when he ordained to take away this gift. Perhaps in his mercy He allowed humanity to still exist in a more limited capacity while the Earth and it's flora and fauna recovered unmolested by man and his machinations. The unseeing seem to be more in tune with their natural surroundings. Perhaps vision was the sense that blinded us from truly seeing nature's gift.
To be human is to err hence the humans are still killing each other. At least the ozone layer is still intact.