I wanted to absolutely love it, but Christian (absolutely beautiful and very talented) is not a good casting for Selena. She looks nothing like her, and I’m just never convinced she captures that south Texas girl essence. We are a very special breed of women, so it’s hard to do; BUT it needs to be there. Selena was thin BUT she had all the right curves (as us TxMx women do)! Also, I know the family had a very big influence in the show and I get that, but they’re just making Abraham out to be a tough love kind of dad and I feel like they’re trying to convince us that he’s really a nice guy when stories, encounters, and reports don’t agree with that. Give some realness. Also, the wigs in this show are bad. They are so bad they are distracting. Whoever was in charge of that could have done better. They also didn’t connect every story well. I kept going back and trying to figure out how AB’s girlfriend went from girl in the car to HEY WE ARE HALFWAY THROUGH A PREGNANCY. Was an episode missing? Also, in STX we speak TxMx and incorporate a lot of Spanish words. Would have liked to see more of that.
Now for good things — I do appreciate how they captured the eras. In the 80s, I REALLY felt like this was the 80s! When they showed the kitchen with those plastic fruit/veggie decorations, I was blown away — yes, by something that simple. But the nostalgia felt was just insane because I have such strong ties to my memories of dancing in my abuelita’s kitchen and seeing HERS there. So awesome!! Little things like that DO matter! I also love most of how they portrayed the family conversations and dynamics (again, felt inauthentic on the Abraham stuff). Apparently, a lot of people didn’t seem to know the hand AB had in songs for Selena, so this show did a FANTASTIC job of showing that! I also thought the story overall was very engaging and did a great job of keeping my attention, and I never felt like, “Oh gawwwwwd, I just CANNOT watch another episode!” I found myself letting each episode play out, and actually had to force myself to stop so that I didn’t watch them all the first night.
Bottom line (“too long didn’t read” version):
Great touches on production and the story of Selena herself, but casting for Selena could have been better and the wigs were SO bad it was distracting! Also, be a more authentic with who each person is. Don’t let your audience (who, chances are if they’re watching this, they ALREADY know how these people are) feel like they’re being gaslit!