Brainwashing propaganda to make japan look like the victims. NHK who is a right winged racist broadcasting corporation produced this. Google NHK and their scandals...seriously.
I get it - justice is flawed and can be biased and based on emotion as well as perspective matters.
But a Lot of questions danced around of if is it LEGAL because it wasn't technically a law at the time. Was it EVER legal to kill civilians and innocent people in any nation during that time? As well, if it is not legal to kill your own countrymen as civilians why is it ok to do so on international soil? - weak weak weak arguements in the legal storyline - in the law field there are a LOT of gaps and missed protocols, not very accurate.
Yes history is written by the victor totally agree but history is also remembered more accurately through the victims perspective as well and the Japanese had a LOT of victims, but you don't hear too much about them - they just get glossed over very quickly.
Also very curious to see that all the high ratings for this movie the profiles have never reviewed anything else before bit only rated THIS movie....
Just because it says "based on true events" doesn't mean ALL of it happened. At least Netflix had some oversight and got some of the facts straight.