I love this game! I'm kind of addicted. After 20-30hrs or so of playing (or more, I haven't checked in a bit), I have only really encountered like two ugly bugs and the one was a quick change in the settings, while the other one sorted itself out the next in-game day. My only criticism is that the side quests don't feel meaningful seeing as they give you considerably meager rewards when compared to the main quests. And with one of the main quests involving hunting a bear, which is hard to find (I only encountered one in this time until I just decided to look it up), it's hard to progress. Some things feel too easy while other things feel harder than they should. Minor bugs include amounts of seeds not displaying correctly; prices not displaying the same day over day; durability percentage over 100%; and seemingly impossible villager dialogue. 0% approval for anything that I say (lol). Overall, balancing needs work, but even at this stage it is incredibly good for an early access. Most certainly not your usual early access cash grab. Worth every penny spent.