The developers, and possibly Riot Games in general, have lost all of their motivation and effort to keep this game alive. Moving into season 11, I became worried as I saw a depression in their updates and their willingness to change the game for the better. It is almost as if they have completely ignored the League of Legends community and only sought out the 'profits' they would make by adding new champions and skins. The only useful thing I have seen them do was fix small bugs. It not only takes thousands upon thousands of players to encourage them to work on this game, but the overall mechanics and the amount of 'broken' champions they have that make the whole game one sided. I have downloaded so many files of bugs and issues that should be taken into consideration, but alas, they have yet to acknowledge them. League of legends is entertaining to play, don't get me wrong, but their lack of improvement and the amount of flaws it contains, really takes the cake in making this game as annoying as it is 'fun'.