This film is trash. It is not scary or shocking at all. Why does the clown show up? Oh, yeah it's a Rob Zombie film. Cram that random clown scene in there even if it totally makes no sense. The running girl with Baby chasing. Seems like I've seen that exact scene before. Well it worked then. Cram it in there. Baby being a completely irritating hag. Everyone loves that and after all it's Rob Zombie's wife. She's gotta ham up all the camera time possible to drill into everyone's head how quirky cute and hot she is before she gets too dried up from all the Rob Zombie movie desert dust. And the kind of stuff being shown on the news in the movie is ridiculous. No television network would show people getting killed and a close-up of a headshot on public tv. I'm sorry but I am not stupid enough to actually like this film. More power to those that can let this drivel enter their head. I liked House of 1000 Corpses and The Devil's Rejects but Lords of Salem, 31 and this movie were junk. Not scary at all just cheap cash ins on a some once popular characters. Rob Zombie stop draining these characters And come up with some new ideas. Get back to making horror movies and stop trying to make us love these characters. They have worn out their welcome. Not worth a rent. Really.