'Freddy Vs. Jason' does a merely adequate job at delivering on its promising title. It's development hell (Which includes 18 rejected scripts and over 12 years of frustration) has long been chronicled and is quite apparent when viewing the film. The tone of the movie is in constant flux as it often clashes with itself. Should we the audience be scared of Jason as he slice-and-dices unsuspecting teens? Should we laugh as Freddy fails to kill yet another vulnerable kid? This is definitely the least scariest film that either of the title characters have appeared in. I'd go as far as to categorize this as an action film. The heavy metal soundtrack permanently dates the movie in the early-2000s era that we'd all be better off forgetting. None of the human characters are remotely interesting, as are the actors who fail to convey any tangible emotion. The dialogue, while not overtly terrible, is nothing to write home about. The plot moves along at a snail's pace before rushing to a climax. At 90 minutes the structure of the movie was seemingly flawed from its conception. And you know what, for all that's wrong with this movie, seeing Freddy Krueger and Jason Vorhees tear into each other in the climax makes up for it all. The titular fight is worth the price of admission and then some. While not a good movie overall, there is a redeeming quality to 'Freddy Vs. Jason'. The novelty of seeing these two legendary characters interacting never runs thin (How can it in only 90 minutes?). Worth a watch. And of course, Robert Englund does his thing as Freddy. Not that it needed to be said.