I believe this film is one of the best animated films of all time, no, one of the best movies ever period. The film follows two girls Mei and Satsuki and their father, moving to the countryside. Then they encounter a big fuzzy creature named Totoro. Totoro and the girls go on adventures together, while their mother is is in the hospital from an illness. What makes this film so special, is that it perfectly blends a kid’s movie to a film enjoyable for adults. Today it’s quite hard to find an animated kid’s movie that’s thoughtfully made, thought provoking, fun but mature at the same time. From what I see today is just cash grabs made to sell toys that follow the basic kid’s movie formula, but this is impeccably, and beautifully realized and there is something deeply nostalgic about it. The animation is GORGEOUS and very organic, all 100% hand drawn, and each and every frame is so beautiful and meticulously made. I really do recommend this film, it is worth your time.