This is the perfect album; Next Up Forever is relatable and a great start to the album, and introduces the 1940’s choir perfectly. Birthday Party feels like the perfect sarcastic way to say screw you to how screwed up the world can be. 100 Bad Days is simple and super relatable. Don’t Throw Out My Legos truly shows the struggle of moving out and not wanting to leave home completely. Break My Face is about… I don’t even know what it’s a metaphor for at this point but it’s so good. Love it. Turning Out Pt. ii is a sad masterpiece, always gets me in the feels. The Entertainment’s Here is great to go after Turning Out Pt. ii, as it’s still relatable and has slightly darker themes, but still upbeat. (Final stretch!) Karma is a beautifully done song, and when Jack sings the end in one breathe to show he’s out of time and needs to say more, it brings it all together. Beats is a great song about not wanting to sell out but knowing one day you might have to, and the strings are on point. Wow, I’m Not Crazy is simple but awesome, and the detail is super cool. Dear Winter is a great song to have before the finale, and is a beautiful way to say “hey, I might never get to meet you, but to my future kid I don’t care if you’re queer, straight, whatever, as long as I can name you Winter and have a shot with you on your 21st birthday I’m good.” Alright, last song! Finale (Can’t Wait To See What You Do Next) is the perfect end. It brings back the same choir as before, and talks about how this could have been their final album. Thank you for welcoming us to the Neotheater AJR, we can’t wait to see what you do next.