The main story and campaign is good, but after that it gets extremely boring. The combat gets very repetitive and the enemy count, even on the lower difficulties, becomes stupid. The level designs is atrocious and rolling feels really weird and barely works. Now most dungeon crawlers shouldn't have a jump but this game would've really benefitted from it. But art wise it's very good I'll give it that, and the armor and weapon selection could've been a bit more unique. But the post game grinding just becomes mindless, with not enough variety in extra/ secret levels. Oh! How could I forget the story is like 3.5 hours, I finished it in like 5 days! And super secret level is based on luck with stages, you have to get a certain spawn with the stage, normally I'd be ok with this but the rates of the special layouts are STUPIDLY low. I spent 30 minutes and didn't get the layout I needed. The dlcs are rip offs, short levels that take 12 minutes to complete, and the challenge stages are, of course, boring. Don't buy this unless it's a gift for a young kid, it'll bore you to death.