I watched United Shades for the first time on Saturday night regarding Braddock, PA and I found the story line was not accurate is describing the plight of Braddock, PA. Braddock, PA lost 90% of its population in the 1980's-1990's due to the rapid collapse and globalization of the steel industry in the 1980's. Many books have been written about the decline of the steel industry and how the closure of steel plants destroyed working class communities throughout Pittsburgh, New York, Baltimore and other communities within the United States. To allude that Braddock, PA. problems in 2020 are the result of the election of Donald Trump is false. The Braddock Democratic Mayors from 1994-2020 have worked tirelessly to help their community, but nothing can fix a community like JOBS. Globalization, and outsourcing jobs oversees is what has hurt working class communities. Both President Obama during his presidency and President Trump have been fighting to bring manufacturing jobs back to the United States. Good paying manufacturing and service jobs will lift all boats.