Jeremy Renner does an amazing job portraying the determination and courage (and Importance) of Webb and the larger story - which anyone with two brain cells already understands is one of the most profound betrayals of every moral and human principle in this countries history (and He’s only latest in a long series of nearly identical genocidal coups both inside the American government and towards countless other “sovereign” countries in Every region on this earth..)
He does this Despite an “extremely less than extraordinary” Help from the other elements of the film considering the incalculable import of the subject matter (the casting of other actors was good however, I think perhaps the creators were forced to work with a substandard budget or other circumstances which “hamstrung” them- no surprise considering that EXTREMELY powerful ubiquitous and monied (perhaps most notably and “surprisingly” within all corners of the press and media) forces No Doubt were NOT “excited” to see this movie made and probably threw a thousand small or large stumbling blocks in its path.. Can we get a REMAKE from Oliver stone or Somebody?! Let’s Make It Happen!!