Idk what poeple r saying but i saw the movie this Evening in theaters in Belgium so idk when it releases in other county's but i saw it. So there was a good cast of Characters with some coming back from the first obviously this movie is a great step up from the first one with some really unexpected moments like this is not a spoiler but they once find out they killed around 50 innocent poeple without them knowing and also the movie is pretty gory but you should expect that i geuss. Harley quine was always random the entire movie from having sex with a guy she kills 5 minutes later. You also have quiet some new Characters like bloodshot,nahauin or whatever he's name was he's the shark okay!?!, you have a mars gall, one of my favorite characters was weasel,you have a Captain Justice or whatever, a detacheble guy, a rat lady, someone who shoots stips as a Weapon and that's most likely the most overpowered power of the bunch, okay so there is a good bunch of characters and obviously some of them will die and some will die really quick, not even you're favorite character is save unless your favourite is harley quine but still no one is save not even the black agent karen and men she gets what she deserved also i forgot her name but the movie has great action 10/10 descent characters 7.5/10 also not to spoil to much but the villain is great and hillarious. Okay i edited this because i forgot about ratcatcher 2 in the movie because you'll love ratcatcher she has a bit of lore but it isn't crazy but she is one of the most likeble characters in the movie of not the most likeble.